Thursday, December 8, 2011

Take the plunge...

Last Wednesday I went to the Wonderbra event of their new bra The Plunge, designed for all those dresses with the pluuuuunging necklines (you know the type. Think JLo in that green dress at those awards that one got it!) We drank YUM cocktails, canapes and met the gorgeous Grace Woodward - who is so much more beautiful in real life. We even got our very own fashion illustrations!

Wonderbra says "Taking the plunge is all about challenging yourself to face your fashion fears and be braver with your look. With the Wonderbra Ultimate Plunge bra, girls can have the confidence to embrace the plunging neckline trend."

My fashion fear is going backless. The lovely Sarah from Wonderbra introduced me to the low back converter - can't flippin' wait to try them out!

Watch this genius videos of 3 girls taking a bungee plunge down Battersea Power Station - a.may.zing.