Hi fellow bloggers! What a surreal week! If you've followed me recently you probably know that I won a blogging competition with LOOK Magazine in February - and this week they did a feature on some of the bloggers who took part! I was one of them, and my feature is below! It's amazing! Although, just to clear up i'm not 'creating' anyones blogs - i'm merely enhancing from behind the scenes! But that's for another day :)
Oh and also, I technically didn't meet Olivia, but she did smile at us and say hi and thank you - weird, err... you're welcome Ol! And the 'package' was a t-shirt, a couple of days later hehe. But other than that - HOW COOL! It sunk in today that i'm actually in a magazine - pretty bloody surreal hey!
There was lots that I said in the interview that didn't make it in. One of the points was how grateful I am to everyone who reads my blog and comments on it! When I won I think I was a major underdog in the competition, in that I had nowhere near as many followers as the others - and it wasn't long before that, that it was kept as my blog for uni!
That's why I feel the pressure to maintain it for you guys!!! BUT i bloody love doing it. So I would like to say a big fat thank you to everyone of you reading! And I would recommend ALL of you going in for the new round of the competition - because it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me!!!
Amelia xo
PS Big thank you to Miss Lara Lain, Look's Marketing exec and my lovely blogging pal! We went for drinks on those balcony bits in Covent Garden this week (I thought they were strictly for posh people only - but I guess they weren't going to say no to a Marketing Exec and a blogger featured in LOOK were they...ha)
PPS Did you notice the lovely pink button top left? I'm going to try my luck at getting nominated for a Cosmo Blog Award (i'm sure you're all sick of hearing that!) But if you do enjoy my blog - I would love a nomination from you! X
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